Waiting for a chance to payback Mephistopheles, Johnny pursues his stunt career with a vengeance, making jumps that were never thought possible (all were CGI, of course). His lost love walks back into his life just when the devil comes back to claim Johnny as his “rider”.
Johnny wreaks havoc through out the city trying to find the location of Blackheart (Son of the Devil) to return the contract of San Vaganza. Not returning the contract of San Vaganza would mean hell on earth. Upon the contracts receivable Blackheart possess all the souls that the previous rider had collected, making them his and now Blaze has to stop him at any cost.
I feel the drawback of the movie was the skull of “Ghost Rider”. They made the skull smaller compared to Cage’s head. It can be seen clearly when both the ghost riders (Blaze and Carter Slade) take the ride in the final scene before Blaze changes. The head just did not match the physique that Cage has/had. The other rider didn’t look bad, I guess due to the horse and the hat he was wearing. Then there was the beauty Eva Mendez, who had an electrifying appearance, and with the tight attire she wore, made everyone’s blood boil.
The plot line in the movie was “ok” given that the movie had to introduce the characters slowly. The director did a good job with this movie though. My favorite scene in the movie was where Blaze changes for the first time, the burning of the head and the fingers. I had always thought how they will show the change in the movie. Unlike in some of the movies they show the shadow of a character changing shape and that’s it.
I remember reading for the first time that Hollywood was attempting a “Ghost Rider movie”. My thoughts were, as I had said before, how they were going to effect/depict the change, which turned out pretty good. Then my thoughts jumped to the plot line, what the plot would be like and then the actors were gonna be. If I were to rate this movie I would give it a 6/10.
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